Endurans Presentation BC Workshop 12 May 2022 at Intersolar now available
Following on from the successful workshop on Back-contact technology with participating companies, amongst others, ISFH, TNO, Sonosmotors, Valoe and SPIC, and hosted by ISC Konstanz and Fraunhofer ISE, we have uploaded our presentation, which you can download now from our download center.
The workshop covered the latest developments in the field of back contact (BC) solar cells and modules. Challenges on the way to the industrialization of the back-contact approach and examples for a successful transfer to mass production.
Our Hugo Schoot provided an update of our materials for back-contact modules: our conductive backsheet Endurans™ CB and our development product, a rear perforated insulator sheet.
Furthermore, he presented a Cost of Ownership Study for IBC cell interconnection, comparing ribbon interconnection of half-cut cells with conductive backsheet interconnection of full and half-cut cells.
Download our presentation from our download center