
June 27, 2024

PFAS-free Backsheets: download presentation now!

On 26 June, Endurans' @Imco Goudswaard presented his vision on a PFAS-free future for PV backsheets during a Chemsec webinar. In light of the upcoming broad PFAS ban in Europe, Chemsec organizes a webinar series called "Beyond PFAS: The Safer Alternatives".

Endurans_circularfuture_post31_website_visual (1)

For more information contact:

Endurans Solar
Imco Goudswaard
Sustainability Lead

In his presentation Imco showed PFAS is used in 72% of solar panels installed around the world. But technical and economical viable PFAS-free alternatives for backsheets do exist and have been embraced by the solar industry for many years already. Endurans has always been a strong ambassador for PFAS-free backsheets and leads the way with its Endurans HP series. PFAS-free and circular-by-design!

This was just one of the positive conclusions related to our Endurans® HP backsheets. Interested in the other findings and more details? Download the full presentation below or contact our sustainability lead Imco Goudswaard directly.

Do you want to know more about PFAS and the green transition? Read CHEM Trust’s briefing on this topic here.

For more information contact:

Endurans Solar
Imco Goudswaard
Sustainability Lead

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