Team Endurans NL has moved (but not far)!
Just a reminder to let you know that our Dutch Endurans™ Solar colleagues have now officially moved into their new home, just a kilometer away from their previous office (at the DSM Innovation Center).
To mark the occasion, both CEO of Worthen Industries David Worthen and Endurans Solar president Nathan Arbitman ‘crossed the pond’ to connect with the team and perform the official opening ceremony. This included the unveiling of a new wall decoration made – appropriately enough – from one of our conductive backsheets.
Please note that since December 1, our new mailing address is Mauritslaan 49, 6129 EL Urmond and visiting address Mauritslaan 55, Urmond. So, if you’re in the neighborhood, why not drop by and say hello (the coffee’s good!).

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