Enlog & Padar

Enlog & Padar; Trusted agents that listen to the marketplace

The solar landscape is growing all the time. Keeping up with developments, identifying new opportunities and working with (and listening to) valued solar partners is a big job. Which is why Endurans® Solar employs trusted agents Enlog and Padar to help us stay close to the pan-European, American and Middle East marketplace.

Enlog represents Endurans® Solar principally in Northern European countries, the United States plus several countries in the Middle East. Since 1995, the company has supported PV Module Manufacturers with high quality materials thus helping to produce some of the most reliable and efficient solar modules around. More

Headquartered in Italy, Padar covers mainly southern Europe, and has 40-plus years’ experience providing technical products, services and all-round expertise – not least in the photovoltaic industry. More

DSM advanced solar

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