July 1, 2020
It’s a world first: TÜV SÜD honors Endurance* backsheets
The Endurance backsheet* has been awarded the world’s first integrated stress sequence accelerated aging certificate – from the industry’s leading third-party testing and certification organization, TÜV SÜD.

The certificate was awarded to our B10 and D15 weather-resistant Endurance backsheets – and was presented at the 2020 SNEC event in Shanghai, China.
The Endurance backsheet is the first – and so far, the only – product to pass this incredibly tough material evaluation, which simulates natural conditions through a combination of damp heat aging, ultraviolet aging, high-and-low temperature cycle aging, and other sequences.
So, if you’re looking for a backsheet that’s built to last…look no further.
(* since June 2021 our Endurance backsheets are commercialized under the tradename Endurans™ HP).