PFAS-free Backsheets: download presentation now!

On 26 June, Endurans’ @Imco Goudswaard presented his vision on a PFAS-free future for PV backsheets during a Chemsec webinar. In light of the upcoming broad PFAS ban in Europe, Chemsec organizes a webinar series called “Beyond PFAS: The Safer Alternatives”.
Expanding our horizons: Endurans’ portfolio soars with collaborative solutions!

Endurans takes the stage at the 11th BC Workshop
Endurans sponsor of TaiyangNews’ Reliable PV module design conference. Presentation NOW available.

This year, Endurans Solar was proud sponsor of the Taiyang News reliable PV module design conference.
Our commercial manager Imco Goudswaard gave a presentation titled “Shining Bright:
reliable AND sustainable backsheets for high-performance modules”.
Backsheet sustainability: download SmartGreenScans’ EUPVSEC presentation now

On 21 September, Paul de Wild of SmartGreenScans presented the findings of a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) conducted on various backsheets and rear glass during the 40th EU PVSEC in Lisbon, Portugal.
Rear Perforated Insulator sheets for back-contact modules

Download our poster presented at EU PVSEC in Lisbon here
Our Dutch Solar Technology Lab has moved to C-Mill in Heerlen

Just a reminder to let you know that our Dutch Endurans Solar colleagues from our Solar Technology Lab have now officially moved into their new home at the C-Mill in Heerlen, just a couple of kilometers away from their previous lab at the Brightlands Campus in Geleen.
Shining Bright: Reliable, Sustainable and American-Made PV Backsheets

Presentation from PV ModuleTech USA conference NOW available
Backsheet performance AND sustainability. We test the best.

The latest research report. Available now.
Circular backsheets: Protecting PV panels AND the planet

Download now our latest presentation.
Endurans Presentation from PVinMotion 2023 Conference NOW available

Last week’s PVinMotion 2023 was the world’s first scientific conference dedicated to vehicle-integrated photovoltaics (VIPV). A perfect opportunity for our Peter Pasmans, Application Development Specialist at Endurans, to introduce back-contact technology and our Endurans conductive backsheet as excellent performance, flexibility AND aesthetic solution. You can find download his presentation below or in our download center, […]